Tuesday, February 26, 2013

hello, hoarder.

Retail therapy anyone? lol.

Hello, I am a shopaholic.  I peruse windows thinking I can resist, and then the urge kicks in! haha.


Anyone that knows me well will atest to these two things at once -- 1) I am a shopper..I love to shop.  I can say that I'm damn close to a shopaholic, but I am proud to say I am not one...yet. 2) I am a slight hoarder.  that's right, a hoarder.  I have this icky feeling inside of me everytime i have to get rid of something thinking someday I'll regret it.

If you've read my previous post then you'll know that I've recently had to deal with a wrecked closet.  I've been picking through the clothes not buried under a pile in my messy closet and trying to survive until my closet is fixed again.  Not cool.  The night that my closet fell, I had to re-arrange my clothes and re-pile them in a somewhat neat order so they won't all fall in the middle of the night and scare the bejesus out of me. Upon doing so, I realized that there are items here and there that maybe should not even be in there.  Yup, hoarder party of one!

It is time for a change....again lol.  I've recently dumped a few items which I will either donate or sell, whichever works out the best.  Let this be a lesson and a tell-tale caution to those that love to do retail therapy as a stress-reliever!

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