Friday, January 14, 2011

TGIF! (non-fashion related, or at least not mostly)

beats:: sunloverz vs. rosette - fire

OOTD:: Black urban behavior racerback, White Hollister henley and Indigo American Eagle skinny jeans (and my winter boots of course)

fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: winter boots =)

Depending on how it looks, this could still be about fashion.  I was on my usual lunch break walks to Ironwood near my work, and I decided to take some pics.  They're not  professional photos but I thought that the day was pretty enough that abit of documenting is a must!

It's a gloriously beautiful friday--the sun came out just around noon and has somewhat lingered. 

I was on my usual jaunt to get my coffee and go to the library and stew.  As always, I like to keep warm!
I know, I look like a big dork but I sacrifice fashion for the warmth these days as I traded in my beautiful, new camel coat for a nice down jacket and a blue dorky but warm toque with earflaps,.  And to think, i used to make fun of the people who wear the same toque! lol. Cruel irony.

Oh, and I can't forget to mention that they have replaced the 'no stopping' sign that was ruthlessly rammed twice!

Yay! no more bended sign! lol.  The things I get excited about these days haha so weird.  But hey, destroying public signs is illegal, isn't it!?

Anyways, I just thought I'd share the beautiful day that's upon us before it starts to rain again.  It's something small to cherish on a friday afternoon filled with stress!! =)

Even with the clouds sticking around, there's sun somewhere lurking and trying to come out...\

Happy Friday!

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