Friday, January 7, 2011

A make-up bag essential: My lil' miracle spray!

Up until I found this spray, I always had flaky dry skin that would just never get moisturized.  I switched from one brand to another, from Neutrogena to Nivea and to Oil of Olay thinking that the daily moisturizer was the problem.  I knew that because of my nightly facial routine-washing it with a face wash, it tended to be more dry and flaky in the morning, regardless of how well the night cream worked.  I was frustrated needless to say.

Then one day, on a lark I should say, I decided to try those mineral water sprays I keep hearing about.  I've seen some women at the office swear by it--refreshing and moisturizing them, but then I was still a bit skeptical.  I finally gave in and after reading a few reviews on which one to buy, I decided on Evian Mineral Spray.
I read a few reviews of other sprays, including Avene (from france) but I found that this is the one that suits me best.  I read good reviews on Sephora about this spray, and although some found that it didn't do much good for their skin, after a few uses on my flaky skin it cleared right up.  It's not a miracle drug by any means (even though it felt like a miracle what it did for my dry skin!), it's just a helpful tool to moisturize the top layer of your skin.

This isn't a substitute for moisturizers, it doesn't get absorbed as deep inside the skin as a moisturizer and therefore will not work as well underneath the top layer.  It's meant to soften the top layer so that it will be a good base for make-up.  Actually, some people only use the spray and just don't bother with a face primer because it works well enough to be a base for foundation.

It also refreshes the skin after long-haul flights, so best be sure I will be bringing it to any long flights (ie: phils).

I recommend it to anyone feeling like their top skin layer seems to be dry and flaky.  It's not a dramatic change, but it's enough that now I don't feel so self-conscious that my skin has unnecessary flaky dry skin eew.  It has become a make-up bag essential! I cannot leave home without it, and those that spend time with me know that I can't go too long without spraying my face to refresh or moisturize =)

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