I love holidays for more than just one reason; It's when I usually take mini vacations or long ones (to maximize my number of work holidays). If for some reason like say a bf mishap occurs and I end up staying in the city, there's still a reason to love holidays like the upcoming one, Labor Day!
While growing up, I hated Labour day, it meant that school was just around the corner, literally! It also signaled the end of summer lazy days, which I also loved lol. As an adult, I don't get the same luxuries of two months vacation without consequence, so I don't mind whenever any holidays roll around--especially Labor day. In fact, I kind of secretly look forward to it now, it's when Fall comes around (as I've mentioned over and again, my fave season) and it's when the kids go back to school which means I don't hear as much ruckus and noise in the playground near my house (which is going to change anyways). Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but i experience a similar relief that parents feel when their kids finally go back to school lol.
Anyways, (as my Managerial Accounting teacher says) I digress..
As an ode to the upcoming long weekend, I will be posting various sales coming up....
Happy Labor Day =)
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