Wednesday, June 9, 2010

summer treasures: doing away with summer wardrobe's past and sayin' hello to the future! =)

beats:: starstruck - lady gaga

OOTD:: n/a

fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: nothing...too sleepy to think!

Summer is 12 days away, and the countdown is getting exciting.

I am anticipating the return of the summer heat by browsing through both my own closet (for my summer staples) and the stores (both online and in store) to find the perfect summer 2010 wardrobe.  There is nothing wrong, afterall, with looking good while trying to beat the heat!

There are defiintely some returning faves, some summer dresses that have yet to be worn and those that I couldn't live without last summer.  I also found out last fall that upon putting my summer clothes into storage for the upcoming cooler winter season, I had oodles upon oodles of Abercrombie and Hollister tops that have yet to be worn, or were just too young for my taste!  At the age that I am, it's not as easy to pull off some of the styles that I have collected over the last few years.  I hate to admit, but I think I may have even gone overboard with some of my summer tops. *yikes!*

So, this spring, I plan to sit myself down in my room and go through the summer stuff I have collected.  There are tons of clothes that can be donated, sold to consignment stores or even just given away to family.  There are a few things that have yet to be worn, others that are sort of tattered that it should really be thrown away, and some that I will have to painfully part with. 

I realize now that with my change adapting to suit the age I am now, so does my wardrobe.

Now, with that being explained, don't get me wrong, I still plan on rockin' some of my summer gear from Abercrombie! Heck yesss! There is no sense in wasting away dozens of tops already collected and still suit my taste and is age appropriate.  I just have to trim some from my collection and add the new styles I've collected this year!

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