beats:: poke her face - kid cudi (sudden onset of funny music somewhat makes me smile lol)
outfit of the day:: same as below
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: same as below lol
So again, I'm filthering through the online pages of Elle Magazine for what's new (since I'm sort of refusing to buy magazines at the moment) and before I could find what I was searching for, bam! I find another thing that catches my eye! lol.
I love woven accessories, they are so spring and summer! I've always gravitated to woven bags and jewelry even shoes when the warmer seasons come around, regardless of the trend. I think that a woven bag or wicker shoes (such as a wicker made handbag) feels so light and airy that it just screams summer. I luv luv the intricate weave design. Apparently, Elle Mag has agreed with me, featuring the Woven Accessories for their spring trends.
I recently saw a wicker guess handbag from the Guess Accessories store on Robson Street on one of my jaunts with the cuz. It was quite cute, though fairly pricey for a seasonal item. Must find something inexpensive but just as fab! Shopping mission!! lol ~*
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A lesson in Class
beats:: koffee brown - didn't mean to turn you on
outfit of the day:: red v-neck sweater, black racerback tanktop & black pants, black puma running shoes
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: a pillow to sleep on *yawn*
Yes, I failed in footwear today...It's such a sleepy, lazy tuesday for me. *yawn!* can't contain it anymore!
I believe the weather is just as tired, going back and forth from sunny to cloudy all morning! geez, make up your damn mind! lol.
I was researching one of my favourite trends, the military inspired look and I happened upon this online article from Elle Magazine. It is written by Whitney Vargas about Derek Blasberg on 'How to be Classy'. I must admit, I've worn some outfits back in the day, that could've been 'tramp stamped' *lol*. My journey in fashion has been a bumpy road of discovery along with some trial and errors. Apparently, according to Mr. Blasberg, women have fallen from grace when it comes to class. I must admit, he does have a point. In the season of mini skirts and peek-a-boo lingerie through see-through lace tops, women are exerting far more independence in bolder fashion that can cross the line from bravery to trashy. If not for anything else, it should be a fun read. It's not just involving fashion, it really relates to everything from etiquette to fashion to manners.
All this can be read in his new book (which I think was a shameless plug lol) 'Classy, a guide to becoming a true lady'. What a guy, eh?
If you feel a sudden compulsion to get a crash course in Class, then this is must-read for you!
outfit of the day:: red v-neck sweater, black racerback tanktop & black pants, black puma running shoes
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: a pillow to sleep on *yawn*
Yes, I failed in footwear today...It's such a sleepy, lazy tuesday for me. *yawn!* can't contain it anymore!
I believe the weather is just as tired, going back and forth from sunny to cloudy all morning! geez, make up your damn mind! lol.
I was researching one of my favourite trends, the military inspired look and I happened upon this online article from Elle Magazine. It is written by Whitney Vargas about Derek Blasberg on 'How to be Classy'. I must admit, I've worn some outfits back in the day, that could've been 'tramp stamped' *lol*. My journey in fashion has been a bumpy road of discovery along with some trial and errors. Apparently, according to Mr. Blasberg, women have fallen from grace when it comes to class. I must admit, he does have a point. In the season of mini skirts and peek-a-boo lingerie through see-through lace tops, women are exerting far more independence in bolder fashion that can cross the line from bravery to trashy. If not for anything else, it should be a fun read. It's not just involving fashion, it really relates to everything from etiquette to fashion to manners.
All this can be read in his new book (which I think was a shameless plug lol) 'Classy, a guide to becoming a true lady'. What a guy, eh?
If you feel a sudden compulsion to get a crash course in Class, then this is must-read for you!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Blues cured with a find...what a find!~*
beats:: hey daddy - usher
outfit of the day:: cream sweater, black racerback tanktop & black leggings & flats (casual day!)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: grey Aldo handbag =)
Nothing beats a case of the sunday blues better than a great bargain find!
Today on a rainny sunday, I decided to venture off to the mall....It was one of those lazy sundays that just didn't feel like anything exciting was going to go on. I thought that a day at the mall might help to pass the time and boy, was I right!
I went into Mariposa sort of as a whim. I barely buy anything from there, and usually I feel more than hesitant to trust some of the stuff they carry. One thing that did catch my eye that seemed like the quality wan't too bad, and neither was the price, was this black short-sleeved sheath dress. Normally for these kinds of dresses, i would opt to invest in a more properly cut, pricier dress because it's usually worth the investment. This time however, I ended up with such a bargain, I may come back and buy the same dress in another colour! (I'm sorry stacy and clinton! lol)
The dress is from Mariposa $5 on sale. Great buy eh?? It's regularly $20.50 and that in itself isn't a bad price but to pay as much as I did for a work dress? greeeaaat!!! =) (the red belt was from my closet lol)
So now i have a new dress that I can add to my collection of work clothes, and if I ever ruin this dress at some point, I won't have to feel bad about it since I only spent $5!
That only goes to show that I don't always buy pricey clothes in order to look good. The important part of what piece of clothing you buy is that in the end, you feel good in it and make sure that you wear the clothes, and they don't wear you..
I am a happy camper!~*
outfit of the day:: cream sweater, black racerback tanktop & black leggings & flats (casual day!)
fave fashion accessory of the day/
Nothing beats a case of the sunday blues better than a great bargain find!
Today on a rainny sunday, I decided to venture off to the mall....It was one of those lazy sundays that just didn't feel like anything exciting was going to go on. I thought that a day at the mall might help to pass the time and boy, was I right!
I went into Mariposa sort of as a whim. I barely buy anything from there, and usually I feel more than hesitant to trust some of the stuff they carry. One thing that did catch my eye that seemed like the quality wan't too bad, and neither was the price, was this black short-sleeved sheath dress. Normally for these kinds of dresses, i would opt to invest in a more properly cut, pricier dress because it's usually worth the investment. This time however, I ended up with such a bargain, I may come back and buy the same dress in another colour! (I'm sorry stacy and clinton! lol)
So now i have a new dress that I can add to my collection of work clothes, and if I ever ruin this dress at some point, I won't have to feel bad about it since I only spent $5!
That only goes to show that I don't always buy pricey clothes in order to look good. The important part of what piece of clothing you buy is that in the end, you feel good in it and make sure that you wear the clothes, and they don't wear you..
I am a happy camper!~*
Friday, March 26, 2010
show and tell!~*
beats:: imma star - jeremih
outfit of the day:: sweats and a racerback tanktop =) comfort over fashion today folks!
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: fuzzy white slippers =)
This is one of those drive-by entries...I just thought I'd post what my new dress looks like!
This is what i picked up at Marciano during the event, the Adoria Corset Sweater dress.
outfit of the day:: sweats and a racerback tanktop =) comfort over fashion today folks!
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: fuzzy white slippers =)
This is one of those drive-by entries...I just thought I'd post what my new dress looks like!
This is what i picked up at Marciano during the event, the Adoria Corset Sweater dress.
Luvs it much!~*
It combines my love of fashionable dresses with comfort =) I absolutely adore it, and hope to wear it soon!!! *crosses fingers!* It's sort of a cross breed of a sweater dress and bandage dress. It is decevingly comfy, it's like a second skin! <3
Anyways, hoping for sunny days, so I can finally wear this out! If you notice, it's like the new dress I have my eye on!~*
Haunting of fashion's past.
beats:: pretty woman - roy orbison
outfit of the day:: same ol'...
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment::
So last wednesday was the 20th anniversary of the movie, pretty woman =)
I love love love that movie...I thought that Richard Gere was pretty hot back then lol and the story was just too cute.
Anways, I was just thinking about the styles that were in the movie back then...Aren't some of them sort of in fashion? lol. I remember Julia Robert's character in the fitted mini skirt and over-the-knee boots. Ha! good inspiration eh?!? Who wouldve known that a hooker outfit in the 90s would be all the rage for the season. Mini skirts and even micro mini tunic dresses are the hit of spring! Even the pastel pink coloured shorts and blazer combo she had (memory is abit fuzzy forgive me if i misquote a scene outfit lol) when she was writing him a letter before leaving the hotel room...Another hit trend this spring!
Speaking of fashion's past revisiting, I was watching felicity the other day and I noticed that in a few episodes, the title character was wearing a plaid shirt which was i guess the hit NYU student fashion thing (must have been the same time as the emo/grunge seattle trend) at the time...It's funny how it's rolled over into the fall/winter '09 and spring '10 trends.
There's also the platform shoes that's come back in style! *thank goodness!* ...For a shortie like me, I need all the height I can get...Also, higher heels tend to elongate the legs =)
and the list goes on...
I guess fashion really does come around eventually to the older inspired trends. I should keep some of my trendy stuff just in case another trend comes back in fashion!
outfit of the day:: same ol'...
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment::
So last wednesday was the 20th anniversary of the movie, pretty woman =)
I love love love that movie...I thought that Richard Gere was pretty hot back then lol and the story was just too cute.
Anways, I was just thinking about the styles that were in the movie back then...Aren't some of them sort of in fashion? lol. I remember Julia Robert's character in the fitted mini skirt and over-the-knee boots. Ha! good inspiration eh?!? Who wouldve known that a hooker outfit in the 90s would be all the rage for the season. Mini skirts and even micro mini tunic dresses are the hit of spring! Even the pastel pink coloured shorts and blazer combo she had (memory is abit fuzzy forgive me if i misquote a scene outfit lol) when she was writing him a letter before leaving the hotel room...Another hit trend this spring!
Speaking of fashion's past revisiting, I was watching felicity the other day and I noticed that in a few episodes, the title character was wearing a plaid shirt which was i guess the hit NYU student fashion thing (must have been the same time as the emo/grunge seattle trend) at the time...It's funny how it's rolled over into the fall/winter '09 and spring '10 trends.
There's also the platform shoes that's come back in style! *thank goodness!* ...For a shortie like me, I need all the height I can get...Also, higher heels tend to elongate the legs =)
and the list goes on...
I guess fashion really does come around eventually to the older inspired trends. I should keep some of my trendy stuff just in case another trend comes back in fashion!
Julia Roberts,
pastel pink,
pretty woman,
Richard Gere
My next new dress!
beats:: hey daddy - usher
outfit of the day:: same as below lol
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: sun is back, so sunglasses! =)
I just happen to be surfing on the online store of my fave store, Marciano.
* OH-EM-GEE! * I just found my next dress purchase!!
I don't shop for the expensive labels often, but I shop for whatever would flatter my figure and make me feel comfortable. Marciano does both. I also shop the more inexpensive stores, but when I want quality and perfect fit, I shop at my go-to store. The prices aren't cheap but you get your money's worth!
It's called the Felipa cowl dress. I'm really into sweater dresses/bandage dresses right now. It's hard because my body isn't quite what it used to be, I have abit of chubbs in the tummy area (i LUV food lol) but i'm workin on it! My beautifulness dresses are my motivation for keeping fit, toned and healthy!
This dress is sooo gorgeous that I had to post what it looked like, courtesy of Marciano online store (it's under new arrivals! lol)
Isn't it just the most fab dress? LUVS it.
Thanks to my $20 giftcard courtesy of the last Marciano event, and my M loyalty points, this dress won't seem so expensive in the end! =)
This isn't a long one either, but I thought I should share what's next on my shopping list! (among others lol)
outfit of the day:: same as below lol
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: sun is back, so sunglasses! =)
I just happen to be surfing on the online store of my fave store, Marciano.
* OH-EM-GEE! * I just found my next dress purchase!!
I don't shop for the expensive labels often, but I shop for whatever would flatter my figure and make me feel comfortable. Marciano does both. I also shop the more inexpensive stores, but when I want quality and perfect fit, I shop at my go-to store. The prices aren't cheap but you get your money's worth!
It's called the Felipa cowl dress. I'm really into sweater dresses/bandage dresses right now. It's hard because my body isn't quite what it used to be, I have abit of chubbs in the tummy area (i LUV food lol) but i'm workin on it! My beautifulness dresses are my motivation for keeping fit, toned and healthy!
This dress is sooo gorgeous that I had to post what it looked like, courtesy of Marciano online store (it's under new arrivals! lol)
Isn't it just the most fab dress? LUVS it.
Thanks to my $20 giftcard courtesy of the last Marciano event, and my M loyalty points, this dress won't seem so expensive in the end! =)
This isn't a long one either, but I thought I should share what's next on my shopping list! (among others lol)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Breaking News: Shopping is actually healthy for you!~*
beats:: labels or love - fergie
outfit of the day:: don't ask...its a mess due to a late night of partying. lol.
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: my umbrella? lol (it's raining outside)
Finally the rain made an appearance after an amazingly lucky streak of beautiful days...
It's still beautiful out, just not sunny =)
So all those times I've spent rounding the malls and buying nothing has paid off!
I read in a magazine last december (yes, it was a legitimate article! lol) that shopping has some health benefits as well as just for aesthetic or running errands...The countless hours and money I have spent have finally been vindicated! lol...It's not quite so simple, though.
Yes, being at the mall has its health benefits, if done the right way...(Yes, there is a right way to go about 'malling'!) Consider what I once never considered: When you walk around the mall for about 2 to 3 hours, it's true that you could burn upto about 300 calories in a single mall trip. It's even better if you're running errands (like I do these days, group errands and do them all in a day!) cause you don't even notice that you're exercising!
It sounds so easy when I say it like that, but here's the kicker: as healthy as it is to do all that walking around the mall, there are bad habits to be found at the mall as well. The food court is a notoriously easy way to gain poundage instead of lose it, since lets face it, 80% of the food served is more grease than healthy stuff. It's a cornucopia of unhealthy temptations. Also, if you are a fan of shopping like I am, you'll find that it's not always easy to stay away from spending while at the mall. It may be healthy for your body, but not for your wallet!
Fear not! As I read in the article, there are ways to get around the bad points...Like either eating before going to the mall so you're not tempted to eat at the food court and plus, you get to use up the energy from the meal. Its a two-pronged solution really, you save money and control what you eat! Or if you eat at the mall, be conscious of what you eat, try healthier alternatives they may offer. As far as spending, I'm a shopper so I love to shop. If I'm going to buy something, I try to keep aware of the 'need' versus 'want' in my head. If all else fails, don't bring your credit card! lol.
In all honesty, I never gave the mall as a way to gain some exercise. It's the mall! But it really does you good walking around a large mall back and long as you stay away from temptation! haha. It's like getting your daily walk no matter what the weather =)
outfit of the day:: don't ask...its a mess due to a late night of partying. lol.
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: my umbrella? lol (it's raining outside)
Finally the rain made an appearance after an amazingly lucky streak of beautiful days...
It's still beautiful out, just not sunny =)
So all those times I've spent rounding the malls and buying nothing has paid off!
I read in a magazine last december (yes, it was a legitimate article! lol) that shopping has some health benefits as well as just for aesthetic or running errands...The countless hours and money I have spent have finally been vindicated! lol...It's not quite so simple, though.
Yes, being at the mall has its health benefits, if done the right way...(Yes, there is a right way to go about 'malling'!) Consider what I once never considered: When you walk around the mall for about 2 to 3 hours, it's true that you could burn upto about 300 calories in a single mall trip. It's even better if you're running errands (like I do these days, group errands and do them all in a day!) cause you don't even notice that you're exercising!
It sounds so easy when I say it like that, but here's the kicker: as healthy as it is to do all that walking around the mall, there are bad habits to be found at the mall as well. The food court is a notoriously easy way to gain poundage instead of lose it, since lets face it, 80% of the food served is more grease than healthy stuff. It's a cornucopia of unhealthy temptations. Also, if you are a fan of shopping like I am, you'll find that it's not always easy to stay away from spending while at the mall. It may be healthy for your body, but not for your wallet!
Fear not! As I read in the article, there are ways to get around the bad points...Like either eating before going to the mall so you're not tempted to eat at the food court and plus, you get to use up the energy from the meal. Its a two-pronged solution really, you save money and control what you eat! Or if you eat at the mall, be conscious of what you eat, try healthier alternatives they may offer. As far as spending, I'm a shopper so I love to shop. If I'm going to buy something, I try to keep aware of the 'need' versus 'want' in my head. If all else fails, don't bring your credit card! lol.
In all honesty, I never gave the mall as a way to gain some exercise. It's the mall! But it really does you good walking around a large mall back and long as you stay away from temptation! haha. It's like getting your daily walk no matter what the weather =)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Winter blues are over...Back to business! attire that is.
beats:: imma be - black eyed peas
outfit of the day:: Banana Republic Black&White tweed s/s blazer, black racer back tanktop & Mimi McQueen black high-wasted skirt and Nine West black & white maryjane pumps
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment::my black tweed blazer from BR =)
It's another sunny day in the neighborhood. It's deceivingly beautiful outside, as if the sun is calling out the flip-flops to be brought out to the beach...little do we know what awaits us outside...
8 degrees!!! geez...It's still not quite beach weather folks! lol.
Today I decided that rain or shine, ride or not (sometimes I have to wait at the library for a ride home, and that means walking all the way there! lol) I am going to dress nice today. Not that I dress like a bum these days-- actually that's sort of a lie. I am bordering on bum chic and bummy/business casual most days at work. It's not the most eye-pleasing but it's comfy. It's easier to get stuff done if I'm more comfy while moving around. Also, I try to get my daily walks during lunch, and the heels just get in the way.
The art of dressing for business is not lost on just hybernated for the winter!
It just seems as though most days that I dress a certain way, I feel so over-dressed. It certainly does little to ward off the cold chill outside when I take my daily walk. I guess it gets easier lately, with the winter weather, to dress bummy. I think that all women go through this during winter. The heels just fade away and comfier boots like Uggs tend to get incorporated (and sometimes take over) as part of work wear. I've been guilty of it myself. It's alot warmer during the winter when one gets bundled up in more comfort wear, and somehow fashion gets lost until spring arrives.
spring has sprung, and fashion has once again risen! lol.
It's easier to wear skirts and dresses again, along with pumps and flats instead of the usual Uggs. Of course, the morning still gets chilly and so boots are still somewhat visible at some point, but at least its alot less chilly to be walking around in heels once again!
Bring out the fashion's on!~*
outfit of the day:: Banana Republic Black&White tweed s/s blazer, black racer back tanktop & Mimi McQueen black high-wasted skirt and Nine West black & white maryjane pumps
fave fashion accessory of the day/
It's another sunny day in the neighborhood. It's deceivingly beautiful outside, as if the sun is calling out the flip-flops to be brought out to the beach...little do we know what awaits us outside...
8 degrees!!! geez...It's still not quite beach weather folks! lol.
Today I decided that rain or shine, ride or not (sometimes I have to wait at the library for a ride home, and that means walking all the way there! lol) I am going to dress nice today. Not that I dress like a bum these days-- actually that's sort of a lie. I am bordering on bum chic and bummy/business casual most days at work. It's not the most eye-pleasing but it's comfy. It's easier to get stuff done if I'm more comfy while moving around. Also, I try to get my daily walks during lunch, and the heels just get in the way.
The art of dressing for business is not lost on just hybernated for the winter!
It just seems as though most days that I dress a certain way, I feel so over-dressed. It certainly does little to ward off the cold chill outside when I take my daily walk. I guess it gets easier lately, with the winter weather, to dress bummy. I think that all women go through this during winter. The heels just fade away and comfier boots like Uggs tend to get incorporated (and sometimes take over) as part of work wear. I've been guilty of it myself. It's alot warmer during the winter when one gets bundled up in more comfort wear, and somehow fashion gets lost until spring arrives.
spring has sprung, and fashion has once again risen! lol.
It's easier to wear skirts and dresses again, along with pumps and flats instead of the usual Uggs. Of course, the morning still gets chilly and so boots are still somewhat visible at some point, but at least its alot less chilly to be walking around in heels once again!
Bring out the fashion's on!~*
Monday, March 22, 2010
I heart bags...spring edition!~*
beats:: dead and gone - TI ft Justin Timberlake
outfit of the day:: White Pinstriped dress shirt, AE Indigo Skinny Jeans, Banana Republic Camel Wool Blazer and black payless flats =)
fave fashion accessory of theday/moment:: small purses &l <3 'em!
Spring has sprung...beatiful blooms are upon us!!
Okay, so my song choice for today isn't quite matching with the mood...but I was just watching TI's Behind the Music thing...He's still muy caliente in my book!~*
...with a new season comes my new luv for the season, smaller purses/clutches! I simply adore 'em! *luv luv*
Okay, so my new found mini-obsession has lead me to one store in particular lately...ALDO..oh my they have a wide array of beautiful clutches and smaller purses that are oh-so-irresistable! To be honest, I have this ongoing love affair with bags...They are just a bad weakness of mine lol...It's that or shoes...
*I just can't resist!*
Currently, my two new purchases to date are a far stretch from my usual big bags, but I've noticed that there are a few times when big bags aren't the most useful. I'm a gal that didn't used to like purses at clubs, in fact, I'd hate to bring bags so much that I used to just use this wristlet (literally velcro'd to my wrist lol) filled with money and my cards. Handy, but didn't fit much else. Lately I've wanted to be able to bring a purse inside filled with at least a little cardholder and some makeup to touch up with whenever I turned abit shiny from all the dancing lol.
So here are my two purse purchases....
This second one was bought tonight! <3's it too! I decided to buy a bigger purse instead of the usual small clutch I use for Happy Hour. I thought it was a cute size to bring about town when I wasn't upto to my usual fave the LV top-handle. Don't get me wrong, it woudn't fit all the usuals that would fit inside my usual top-handle purses but this one is cute enough to use for casual dates or for a nice evening out for happy hour =) Again, I opted for the lovely metal hardware details, even a ribbon on the side for an additional touch of femininity and class =) It channels the Chanel-esque beauty without having to rip-off the chicness of Chanel! (translation: it doesn't look like a fake Chanel! lol) I think of it more as inspired by the look of the Chanel quilted shoulder bag (which I hope to one day have!!)
So those are my two new purchases in awhile in the bag area...
I admit, they're not my usual bags, but they are more of a grown-up classy type of bag that encourages me not to try packing my whole room into my purse! lol...They do a good job pulling a double duty of classy evening bag and casual out on the town bag...I think it works!
Did I mention that both just happen to be part of the Spring trends? lol I didn't even set out to try and get into the trends...It kind of just happened!
lol i went to the mall for a movie, then ended up with a handbag as well! that was one expensive movie date!
outfit of the day:: White Pinstriped dress shirt, AE Indigo Skinny Jeans, Banana Republic Camel Wool Blazer and black payless flats =)
fave fashion accessory of the
Spring has sprung...beatiful blooms are upon us!!
Okay, so my song choice for today isn't quite matching with the mood...but I was just watching TI's Behind the Music thing...He's still muy caliente in my book!~*
...with a new season comes my new luv for the season, smaller purses/clutches! I simply adore 'em! *luv luv*
Okay, so my new found mini-obsession has lead me to one store in particular lately...ALDO..oh my they have a wide array of beautiful clutches and smaller purses that are oh-so-irresistable! To be honest, I have this ongoing love affair with bags...They are just a bad weakness of mine lol...It's that or shoes...
*I just can't resist!*
Currently, my two new purchases to date are a far stretch from my usual big bags, but I've noticed that there are a few times when big bags aren't the most useful. I'm a gal that didn't used to like purses at clubs, in fact, I'd hate to bring bags so much that I used to just use this wristlet (literally velcro'd to my wrist lol) filled with money and my cards. Handy, but didn't fit much else. Lately I've wanted to be able to bring a purse inside filled with at least a little cardholder and some makeup to touch up with whenever I turned abit shiny from all the dancing lol.
So here are my two purse purchases....
I had bought this first one in Seattle at Southcenter Mall. I needed a purse to bring to the club or lounge that was abit bigger than my BEBE little clutch since it seemed abit too small for me to be able to carry both my phone and camera at the same time.
ALDO handbag spring '10 collection - $30.00 (USD)
I love the soft, camel colour leather. It's so spring!
The gold metal hardware is sooo cute..Luvs it!
The hardware was ver nicely detailed! Gave it a classy look.
The inside of the bag was very nice, nothing special but nice matching brown fabric.
This second one was bought tonight! <3's it too! I decided to buy a bigger purse instead of the usual small clutch I use for Happy Hour. I thought it was a cute size to bring about town when I wasn't upto to my usual fave the LV top-handle. Don't get me wrong, it woudn't fit all the usuals that would fit inside my usual top-handle purses but this one is cute enough to use for casual dates or for a nice evening out for happy hour =) Again, I opted for the lovely metal hardware details, even a ribbon on the side for an additional touch of femininity and class =) It channels the Chanel-esque beauty without having to rip-off the chicness of Chanel! (translation: it doesn't look like a fake Chanel! lol) I think of it more as inspired by the look of the Chanel quilted shoulder bag (which I hope to one day have!!)
I love love love the light pale grey shade of the spring!
It has the cutest details, so feminine, with the ribbon on the side!
The inside is simple, like my previous bag, but lots of side pockets and a zippered one! (its always a must!)
It has the cute metal lock detail as well! =) This one is in silver this time.
the metal chain hardware is so classic! <3s it much!
So those are my two new purchases in awhile in the bag area...
I admit, they're not my usual bags, but they are more of a grown-up classy type of bag that encourages me not to try packing my whole room into my purse! lol...They do a good job pulling a double duty of classy evening bag and casual out on the town bag...I think it works!
Did I mention that both just happen to be part of the Spring trends? lol I didn't even set out to try and get into the trends...It kind of just happened!
lol i went to the mall for a movie, then ended up with a handbag as well! that was one expensive movie date!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tis' the season...for Sunglasses!!
beats:: eh eh (nothing else I can say) - lady Gaga
outfit of the day:: same as below (what!? i blog alot during the day lol)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: my CHANEL sunglasses =)
LOVE, Love, love the most beautiful, sunny day on a friday afternoon!~*
simply awesome is what I say!~
I thought that what better time to blog about sunglasses than a sunny, gorgeous day like today!?
During spring and summertime, one of my most fave accessories are my sunglasses...To be able to whip 'em out on a day like this is just pure happiness! I've got two sunglasses at the moment (far less than the 5 or 6 I used to have....) Though I owe fewer pairs than before, they are more expensive, and therefore better cared for than my 5 others which, combined, totals to just my one pair of Chanel Sunglasses. I splurged last winter (lol odd time to buy sunglasses eh!?) for a nicer pair instead of opting for a cheapie once more...I'm glad to say that it's quite worth my $$$. It's even gotten me through the toughest time, like at my Grandma's funeral...I mourned a la Audrey Hepburn, breakfast at Tiffany's style...
My other fave of the moment, which I have to say, it's been tougher to find than my normal plastic frames, is the Aviators. I would really like to one day own a pair of Ray-Ban's....In Gold Frames would be preferred! lol...Unfortunately, i've hit my quota on my sunglass purchases for the time being lol, so even though a pair of Ray-Ban's wouldn't set me back alot, I had to walk away... I bought a cheaper (albiet just as pretty!) pair of Marc Jacobs Aviator frames....I luv them dearly, though they are abit lighter in shade than what i'd like, not to mention they may not be polarized....
Now, I'm not against' the cheapies by any means....I've even bought so many in the past, it's a nice substitution while you find the perfect pair of frames to invest in. Unfortunately, if you're like me, who doesn't tend to take care of the cheaper ones, it will tend to end up seeming like disposables than for keeps...It's all in how you care for them and how much usage you'll get out of them...Someone that works outdoors and during summertime would require wearing them alot would be better off investing in a good pair with polarized frames and heavy-duty quality to them, as opposed to an indoor domesticated office gal like me, who is lucky to even see the light of day from my office window most times!
My past worthy sunglass purchases have come from various stores...I've often ventured to Aldo or Le Chateau for a quick pair of shades a time or two. They can range from about $15-$30 for a good pair of stylish sunglasses...I should warn you that though they are cheaper, they don't come with the sweet extras that a pricier one would come with...namely? a case! Yep, a case. I have sat on a pair of sunglasses before, and trust me, it ain't pretty....
outfit of the day:: same as below (what!? i blog alot during the day lol)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: my CHANEL sunglasses =)
LOVE, Love, love the most beautiful, sunny day on a friday afternoon!~*
simply awesome is what I say!~
I thought that what better time to blog about sunglasses than a sunny, gorgeous day like today!?
During spring and summertime, one of my most fave accessories are my sunglasses...To be able to whip 'em out on a day like this is just pure happiness! I've got two sunglasses at the moment (far less than the 5 or 6 I used to have....) Though I owe fewer pairs than before, they are more expensive, and therefore better cared for than my 5 others which, combined, totals to just my one pair of Chanel Sunglasses. I splurged last winter (lol odd time to buy sunglasses eh!?) for a nicer pair instead of opting for a cheapie once more...I'm glad to say that it's quite worth my $$$. It's even gotten me through the toughest time, like at my Grandma's funeral...I mourned a la Audrey Hepburn, breakfast at Tiffany's style...
My other fave of the moment, which I have to say, it's been tougher to find than my normal plastic frames, is the Aviators. I would really like to one day own a pair of Ray-Ban's....In Gold Frames would be preferred! lol...Unfortunately, i've hit my quota on my sunglass purchases for the time being lol, so even though a pair of Ray-Ban's wouldn't set me back alot, I had to walk away... I bought a cheaper (albiet just as pretty!) pair of Marc Jacobs Aviator frames....I luv them dearly, though they are abit lighter in shade than what i'd like, not to mention they may not be polarized....
Now, I'm not against' the cheapies by any means....I've even bought so many in the past, it's a nice substitution while you find the perfect pair of frames to invest in. Unfortunately, if you're like me, who doesn't tend to take care of the cheaper ones, it will tend to end up seeming like disposables than for keeps...It's all in how you care for them and how much usage you'll get out of them...Someone that works outdoors and during summertime would require wearing them alot would be better off investing in a good pair with polarized frames and heavy-duty quality to them, as opposed to an indoor domesticated office gal like me, who is lucky to even see the light of day from my office window most times!
My past worthy sunglass purchases have come from various stores...I've often ventured to Aldo or Le Chateau for a quick pair of shades a time or two. They can range from about $15-$30 for a good pair of stylish sunglasses...I should warn you that though they are cheaper, they don't come with the sweet extras that a pricier one would come with...namely? a case! Yep, a case. I have sat on a pair of sunglasses before, and trust me, it ain't pretty....
Audrey Hepburn,
Breakfast at Tiffany's,
Marc Jacobs,
An event to remember at Marciano~*
beats:: bedrock - young money
outfit of the day:: Bluenotes Plaid Boyfriend roll-up shirt, AE skinny Jeans in Indigo (luvs it!) and aldo boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: plaid shirt!
Hello friday, hello sunshine!~* I'm in a gloriously happy mood! =)
I'm in a peppy mood today as the sun is shinning and it's one day away from the official start of spring..could it get any better!? seriously!? I'm bursting at the seams with joy =)
So last night was the Marciano Event for the Sneak Peak at their Spring Collection at Oakridge Center. It was a private event, with a doorman/security and a guesslist Lady at the door! I felt so special =)
When we came in, we were greeted by servers with a tray of complimentary champagne and hors d'oeuvres... *classy* While shipping our champagne, we walked around the store browsing for our wants and needs! I waited all day to get to the event, and it did not disappoint. There's so much to look forward to for spring at Marciano, I can't hardly wait! =)
I ended up buying the dress that I had so longed for. The Adoria Corset Sweater Dress! It was on my mind as I walked the store to browse their new line for the season. I have to say, their new dresses were just beautifully gorgeous. I had a particular liking for the one shoulder maxi dress in a sort of tye-dye effect in seafoam green and coral blue...I luv luv luv it! it's so tropical and summery! I swear if I could pull of a maxi dress, that would have been my very first choice! It also came in a soft pink and hot pink combo, but I'd still prefer the green/blue, since it just reminds me of the ocean...
I noticed quite a few dresses in the coral blue shade and also the hot pink like the Brooke Corset Dress...Hot isn't it?!? Is this a sign of evening dresses shifting from the LBD to brighter colours? It's quite eye-catching...I think I'll consider it for my next dress purchase!
The eye-catching detail to this dress is actually in the back. There is a lace-up in the back, which is quite like their halter dress that's been previously in seasons' past.
I almost got this dress last night too, if I hadn't gotten the other dress. I just found it abit conservative, and since I've bought dresses that are somewhat similar, I thought I'd try something abit more sexy this time around. Don't get me wrong, it was hard to choose between the first and this one, The Laneller Applique Bandage Dress. It's actually made its way into a previous blog entry of mine (since it came out sooner than the Adoria dress) I've even contemplated on buying it when i went to Vegas for my birthday. I decided to wait it out and see how I'd like the Adoria dress instead.
I have to say though, I did end up trying it on before deciding on which to buy (I would have loved to buy both!) and this was a very, very close second! Sooo freakn' comfortable!
Sidenote~* There is one dress I did not see at the event which I would have gladly bought for the new price (lol its on sale..) It's the Misfit Dress. So this was going to be my NYE dress if I didn't end up tapped out from all the holiday madness! lol...I was soo damn determined to get it by either christmas for the big party I was attending for the bf's company, or at least by NYE for the gala event! It wouldve been so hot! Oh well, if fate and god intervenes and I get my way, I'll still end up with this oh-so-gorgeous dress!
At night's end, I ended up with a beautiful dress I absolutely can't wait to rock around town! Also, as an extra perk, I received a gift bag with ultra-fab stuff like gift certs to Eccotique, samples for primer from smashbox etc but the ultimate was finding the $20 giftcard that Marciano included in the bag! *gasp!* Thank you Marciano for making my night!~*
I hope to attend more of these shows...too bad I didn't really get to take any pics..
outfit of the day:: Bluenotes Plaid Boyfriend roll-up shirt, AE skinny Jeans in Indigo (luvs it!) and aldo boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/
Hello friday, hello sunshine!~* I'm in a gloriously happy mood! =)
I'm in a peppy mood today as the sun is shinning and it's one day away from the official start of spring..could it get any better!? seriously!? I'm bursting at the seams with joy =)
So last night was the Marciano Event for the Sneak Peak at their Spring Collection at Oakridge Center. It was a private event, with a doorman/security and a guesslist Lady at the door! I felt so special =)
When we came in, we were greeted by servers with a tray of complimentary champagne and hors d'oeuvres... *classy* While shipping our champagne, we walked around the store browsing for our wants and needs! I waited all day to get to the event, and it did not disappoint. There's so much to look forward to for spring at Marciano, I can't hardly wait! =)
I ended up buying the dress that I had so longed for. The Adoria Corset Sweater Dress! It was on my mind as I walked the store to browse their new line for the season. I have to say, their new dresses were just beautifully gorgeous. I had a particular liking for the one shoulder maxi dress in a sort of tye-dye effect in seafoam green and coral blue...I luv luv luv it! it's so tropical and summery! I swear if I could pull of a maxi dress, that would have been my very first choice! It also came in a soft pink and hot pink combo, but I'd still prefer the green/blue, since it just reminds me of the ocean...
I noticed quite a few dresses in the coral blue shade and also the hot pink like the Brooke Corset Dress...Hot isn't it?!? Is this a sign of evening dresses shifting from the LBD to brighter colours? It's quite eye-catching...I think I'll consider it for my next dress purchase!
The eye-catching detail to this dress is actually in the back. There is a lace-up in the back, which is quite like their halter dress that's been previously in seasons' past.
I almost got this dress last night too, if I hadn't gotten the other dress. I just found it abit conservative, and since I've bought dresses that are somewhat similar, I thought I'd try something abit more sexy this time around. Don't get me wrong, it was hard to choose between the first and this one, The Laneller Applique Bandage Dress. It's actually made its way into a previous blog entry of mine (since it came out sooner than the Adoria dress) I've even contemplated on buying it when i went to Vegas for my birthday. I decided to wait it out and see how I'd like the Adoria dress instead.
I have to say though, I did end up trying it on before deciding on which to buy (I would have loved to buy both!) and this was a very, very close second! Sooo freakn' comfortable!
Sidenote~* There is one dress I did not see at the event which I would have gladly bought for the new price (lol its on sale..) It's the Misfit Dress. So this was going to be my NYE dress if I didn't end up tapped out from all the holiday madness! lol...I was soo damn determined to get it by either christmas for the big party I was attending for the bf's company, or at least by NYE for the gala event! It wouldve been so hot! Oh well, if fate and god intervenes and I get my way, I'll still end up with this oh-so-gorgeous dress!
At night's end, I ended up with a beautiful dress I absolutely can't wait to rock around town! Also, as an extra perk, I received a gift bag with ultra-fab stuff like gift certs to Eccotique, samples for primer from smashbox etc but the ultimate was finding the $20 giftcard that Marciano included in the bag! *gasp!* Thank you Marciano for making my night!~*
I hope to attend more of these shows...too bad I didn't really get to take any pics..
Thursday, March 18, 2010
what's blooming for spring~*
beats:: digital girl(remix) - jamie foxx ft drake
outfit of the day:: same as below (it's only been a few mins since my last post haha)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: same as below...(its cold!)
The flowers, like my allergies, are in full bloom...Spring is just around the corner; literally in 3 days.
*hello spring...I've been waiting for you..!~*
I've been flipping through the pages of several magazines (i've been bored! lol) and I've slowly been soaking up all the spring trends that each magazine has dished out as the 'IT' trend of the season that we should all prepare, right. Since it's just really a hint of spring that has come, and there's still residual cold that lingers in the air, I am forced to observe on the sidelines which trends are going to take during the upcoming season upon us.
Some trends I've observed....
outfit of the day:: same as below (it's only been a few mins since my last post haha)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: same as below...(its cold!)
The flowers, like my allergies, are in full bloom...Spring is just around the corner; literally in 3 days.
*hello spring...I've been waiting for you..!~*
I've been flipping through the pages of several magazines (i've been bored! lol) and I've slowly been soaking up all the spring trends that each magazine has dished out as the 'IT' trend of the season that we should all prepare, right. Since it's just really a hint of spring that has come, and there's still residual cold that lingers in the air, I am forced to observe on the sidelines which trends are going to take during the upcoming season upon us.
Some trends I've observed....
- florals ~ really popular and popping up all over the magazines. It's really the only season that you could really go nuts on flowers, cause any other season it just looks out of place!
- denim ~ lots of it...from jackets to the all over slightly different tone of denim with neutral heels, bags's ranging in different shades and textures too, like acid wash, indigo me, denim seems so 90s lol but oh well...
- neutrals ~ okay, so this I could really get with. I love neutrals like light browns and pastel pinks combined together...LUVs it. It probably does little for my complexion but i'm naturally drawn to neutrals lol.
- metallics ~ mind you, this is harder to pull off during the day haha...Sometimes I wonder why some trends still remain but hey, who am i to argue!? Anyways, so metallics are once again in this year (i didn't even know it left!)
- utility/safari earthy tones ~ I could see myself getting a few pieces of clothing for this trend. I definitely love the utility jackets that seem to be coming out in different styles, even the shorts and cargos they have going look quite interesting. If anything the trend goes sour, I could always re-use it if I ever decide to go on a safari vacation! lol.
Marciano Event at Oakridge
beats:: some kind of wonderful - sky
outfit of the day:: black pants, black and white long sweater & runners (lol my very own casual day at work)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: Juicy houndstooth scarf
Another beautiful day in the neighbourhood!~* So lovely....I love sunny mornings , regardless of the always reminds me of summertime =)
Today is a great day...I'm so excited because today is the Marciano Event that I have been waiting for all week! Today they will showcase their Spring Collection to M Loyalty Members (which yours truly is mos def a part of!)I get to take a sneak peak at the collection before it hits the shelves officially!=) They made an event of the night, with champagne, gifts and finger food i think!? Anyways, I'm there more for the dress I had put on hold =) The Adoria Corset Sweater Dress. I have been waiting for that dress for about 3 weeks now, and it has finally landed in Oakridge! *hoorah!* The manager, who has graciously accomodated me with putting the dress aside is such a sweetheart! =)
I hope to take some pics and shop and mingle with other fans of Marciano! It will be an exciting night! Hopefully I'll have some pics to post with my post-event entry!
It's an RSVP event, but if you're in the neighbourhood...
Oakridge Location
Onward and upward! *I just luvv Marciano...*
outfit of the day:: black pants, black and white long sweater & runners (lol my very own casual day at work)
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: Juicy houndstooth scarf
Another beautiful day in the neighbourhood!~* So lovely....I love sunny mornings , regardless of the always reminds me of summertime =)
Today is a great day...I'm so excited because today is the Marciano Event that I have been waiting for all week! Today they will showcase their Spring Collection to M Loyalty Members (which yours truly is mos def a part of!)I get to take a sneak peak at the collection before it hits the shelves officially!=) They made an event of the night, with champagne, gifts and finger food i think!? Anyways, I'm there more for the dress I had put on hold =) The Adoria Corset Sweater Dress. I have been waiting for that dress for about 3 weeks now, and it has finally landed in Oakridge! *hoorah!* The manager, who has graciously accomodated me with putting the dress aside is such a sweetheart! =)
I hope to take some pics and shop and mingle with other fans of Marciano! It will be an exciting night! Hopefully I'll have some pics to post with my post-event entry!
It's an RSVP event, but if you're in the neighbourhood...
Oakridge Location
Onward and upward! *I just luvv Marciano...*
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
under the sheaths!~*
outfit of the day:: fair isle cardigan, grey leggings and over-the-knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: hmm..i guess still the coach bag!?
* sidenote: i started this entry on you're wondering about the next few lines*
Good morning All!
Happy Tuesday...lovely rain and sun mixed in with the's one of my least fave fashion days...It's simply not as easy to be fashionable during bad weather days!
Before I continue on, may I say that in my opinion, no one beats Lady V (aka Victoria Beckham) for the only celebrity I know that rocks the most fashionable sheath dresses! She kicks up the traditional sheath dress to another level!
With that being said, the sheath dress is a long staple for the businesswomen of the world.
Over the years, I've seen a new breath of life be given to the oh-so traditional sheath. A few nips and tucks has revamped a conservative businesswoman dress into a piece that can transition from daytime meeting into night-time cocktail hour with the ladies! I myself have a mini collection of these...It's one of my fave work-wear dresses! I think the style is so appealing because of it being so business-appropriate and sexy at the same time. It gives the woman the authority in the business world while knowing that she doesn't have to let go of her feminine allure to run the show!
Like I've mentioned, I've collected a few since I've started my last job. Actually, I think I've always been into office wear cause when I wear it, it makes me feel sexy without revealing too much skin! One does not have to show alot of skin to look sexy in the office. Also more importantly, one does not have to look frumpy to be taken seriously in the business world.
These lovely frocks come in all textures, lengths, embelishments and even prices! (The more embelishments you choose, the pricier it may become!) There are some nice ones out there right now for the new season...
If you are on the trendy side but would like to look more business-like, then this is the place for you! They have some great trendy variations to the traditional dress...They have used cut-outs and ruffles, even floral fabrics to set their dresses apart. There are some great ones that start at $148 (CDN). I actually bought a black/grey/cream colour-block dress for about $112(CDN or $98.00 USD). It's a V-neck on the top half with black and cream colours, and black skirt on the bottom half with grey and cream stripes. If you are a fashionista in a business setting, then I'd urge you to check out BEBE. It can unleash your inner sexpot without being to overtly sexual in the workplace!
Guess by Marciano
Okay, so this is verging on more party luxe dresses than actual workwear, but I've bought a dress or three in the past that I've actually pulled off for the workplace! Actually, the dresses I've purchased in the past were more bandage sweater style dresses than structured cotton sheath dresses. The one advantage the bandage style dress has in a sheath style is that it gives more movement. The cotton/poly-cotton blend sheath doesn't have a lot of give when it's structure to be in a certain shape. The sweater dress is knit, hence 'sweater dress' it has a feel of a sweater and therefore conforms to your body. The only con? If you are a person that doesn't quite feel comfortable in revealing your shape with a sweater dress (cause trust me when it hugs, it clings on for dear life!) then you'd be better off with the former, which gives a certain allowance for shape-conscious women.
More traditional work-wear, but still quite affordable. The dresses are more structured therefore it's a safe bet for work appropriateness...If you want to be sure the length, structure and overall business-worthy appeal are all appropriate, this is the place for you!
There are other less expensive retail stores that can give you the same dresses in a fraction of the price! Stores such as suzy shier, sirens, urban behavior and forever 21 all have their version of the sheath dress. In fact, I bought a dress from Sirens that I am glad to say, is very work appropriate and trendy-hot at the same time! it cost me around $20 at the time (too bad I only bought one in black, cause it came in different colours!) Just be aware that sometimes cheaper may be a steal, but the proportions may not be up to snuff! Afterall, you get what you pay for at times! Always try them on and make sure they are comfortable for you!
More often than not, I'd suggest investing in a dress that compliments you and makes you feel good, rather than opting for the cheaper version. There are a few articles of work clothing that you can get away with buying at cheaper places, but the dress is not one of them....Especially if you want one that compliments you, not hinders..
As always, happy hunting for the perfect sheath!~*
outfit of the day:: fair isle cardigan, grey leggings and over-the-knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: hmm..i guess still the coach bag!?
* sidenote: i started this entry on you're wondering about the next few lines*
Good morning All!
Happy Tuesday...lovely rain and sun mixed in with the's one of my least fave fashion days...It's simply not as easy to be fashionable during bad weather days!
Before I continue on, may I say that in my opinion, no one beats Lady V (aka Victoria Beckham) for the only celebrity I know that rocks the most fashionable sheath dresses! She kicks up the traditional sheath dress to another level!
With that being said, the sheath dress is a long staple for the businesswomen of the world.
Over the years, I've seen a new breath of life be given to the oh-so traditional sheath. A few nips and tucks has revamped a conservative businesswoman dress into a piece that can transition from daytime meeting into night-time cocktail hour with the ladies! I myself have a mini collection of these...It's one of my fave work-wear dresses! I think the style is so appealing because of it being so business-appropriate and sexy at the same time. It gives the woman the authority in the business world while knowing that she doesn't have to let go of her feminine allure to run the show!
Like I've mentioned, I've collected a few since I've started my last job. Actually, I think I've always been into office wear cause when I wear it, it makes me feel sexy without revealing too much skin! One does not have to show alot of skin to look sexy in the office. Also more importantly, one does not have to look frumpy to be taken seriously in the business world.
These lovely frocks come in all textures, lengths, embelishments and even prices! (The more embelishments you choose, the pricier it may become!) There are some nice ones out there right now for the new season...
If you are on the trendy side but would like to look more business-like, then this is the place for you! They have some great trendy variations to the traditional dress...They have used cut-outs and ruffles, even floral fabrics to set their dresses apart. There are some great ones that start at $148 (CDN). I actually bought a black/grey/cream colour-block dress for about $112(CDN or $98.00 USD). It's a V-neck on the top half with black and cream colours, and black skirt on the bottom half with grey and cream stripes. If you are a fashionista in a business setting, then I'd urge you to check out BEBE. It can unleash your inner sexpot without being to overtly sexual in the workplace!
Guess by Marciano
Okay, so this is verging on more party luxe dresses than actual workwear, but I've bought a dress or three in the past that I've actually pulled off for the workplace! Actually, the dresses I've purchased in the past were more bandage sweater style dresses than structured cotton sheath dresses. The one advantage the bandage style dress has in a sheath style is that it gives more movement. The cotton/poly-cotton blend sheath doesn't have a lot of give when it's structure to be in a certain shape. The sweater dress is knit, hence 'sweater dress' it has a feel of a sweater and therefore conforms to your body. The only con? If you are a person that doesn't quite feel comfortable in revealing your shape with a sweater dress (cause trust me when it hugs, it clings on for dear life!) then you'd be better off with the former, which gives a certain allowance for shape-conscious women.
More traditional work-wear, but still quite affordable. The dresses are more structured therefore it's a safe bet for work appropriateness...If you want to be sure the length, structure and overall business-worthy appeal are all appropriate, this is the place for you!
There are other less expensive retail stores that can give you the same dresses in a fraction of the price! Stores such as suzy shier, sirens, urban behavior and forever 21 all have their version of the sheath dress. In fact, I bought a dress from Sirens that I am glad to say, is very work appropriate and trendy-hot at the same time! it cost me around $20 at the time (too bad I only bought one in black, cause it came in different colours!) Just be aware that sometimes cheaper may be a steal, but the proportions may not be up to snuff! Afterall, you get what you pay for at times! Always try them on and make sure they are comfortable for you!
More often than not, I'd suggest investing in a dress that compliments you and makes you feel good, rather than opting for the cheaper version. There are a few articles of work clothing that you can get away with buying at cheaper places, but the dress is not one of them....Especially if you want one that compliments you, not hinders..
As always, happy hunting for the perfect sheath!~*
sheath dress,
Suzy Shier,
Victoria Beckham,
I luvv Orgasm...(in Nars blush i mean! *lol*)
beats:: bedrock - trey songz & drake
outfit of the day:: Bluenotes plaid boyfriend rollup shirt, black leggings & over-the-knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: for the day? my chanel sunglasses =)
Hello sunshine! ...and of course, to you all! =)
It's such a beautiful day that I just had to whip out my sunglasses! First sunny day in a few days...I'm so happy I can hardly contain myself! *lol*
Anwhoos...this is a quickie blog about my fave new blush...Actually it came from a haul in Vegas I had. It's the Nars Blush in Orgasm. It's just the most gorgeous colour!! The only con I see is it goes on quite intense at first if not blended accordingly, but if you apply it with a stippling blush brush (which I still lack, and is on my future Sephora haul list!) it will go on just beautifully!
If you want to check it out yourself and read some customer reviews on it, heres the link:
Sephora - Nars blush in Orgasm
This is my first ever try from Nars, and I have to tell you, I am a believer =) Of course, as with makeup, you never want to just instantly buy every single product cause there's always a trial and error period. It was either the Dior Limited edition blush in the image of a flower and a beatiful case (which was just too over priced in my opinion!) or this, then Nars works for its price of $26 (USD).
Have a blushingly beautiful day in the sunshine!~*
Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day! <3
outfit of the day:: Bluenotes plaid boyfriend rollup shirt, black leggings & over-the-knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: for the day? my chanel sunglasses =)
Hello sunshine! ...and of course, to you all! =)
It's such a beautiful day that I just had to whip out my sunglasses! First sunny day in a few days...I'm so happy I can hardly contain myself! *lol*
Anwhoos...this is a quickie blog about my fave new blush...Actually it came from a haul in Vegas I had. It's the Nars Blush in Orgasm. It's just the most gorgeous colour!! The only con I see is it goes on quite intense at first if not blended accordingly, but if you apply it with a stippling blush brush (which I still lack, and is on my future Sephora haul list!) it will go on just beautifully!
If you want to check it out yourself and read some customer reviews on it, heres the link:
Sephora - Nars blush in Orgasm
This is my first ever try from Nars, and I have to tell you, I am a believer =) Of course, as with makeup, you never want to just instantly buy every single product cause there's always a trial and error period. It was either the Dior Limited edition blush in the image of a flower and a beatiful case (which was just too over priced in my opinion!) or this, then Nars works for its price of $26 (USD).
Have a blushingly beautiful day in the sunshine!~*
Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day! <3
Channeling my inner lumberjack-ness!~*
beats:: carryout- timbaland ft justin timberlake
outfit of the day:: fair isle cardigan, grey leggings & over-the-knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: over-the-knee boots
Bonjour Lovelies!
As I'm writing this blog, I can hear the song Carry-out by Timbaland & JT faintly playing on replay in my head...
It's not the greatest song, mind you they wrote it about what seems to be a metaphor related to girls and fast-food (i don't know if I like being compared to fast-food take out lol), but its quite catchy....
My first actual purchase came from Bluenotes cause it seems to be the least crazy of colours, comblination of grey, blue red and white. It was subdued enough for me to be comfortable about pulling it off. More recently I came out of the store with two more purchases from Bluenotes, both being more flannel. This one is the Plaid Boyfriend Rollup shirt that retails for $24.50. I would've just gotten only one if it weren't for their sales...damn their BOGO sales! lol...Sometimes you can't help but buy more than one! I ended up buying one in Navy and Jade. I am contemplating on buying the Rust colour, since it's more reddish than I'd care to wear on a daily basis, but hey, flannel wasn't an instant luvv for me either...but now we're a match made in casual heaven!
outfit of the day:: fair isle cardigan, grey leggings & over-the-knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: over-the-knee boots
Bonjour Lovelies!
As I'm writing this blog, I can hear the song Carry-out by Timbaland & JT faintly playing on replay in my head...
It's not the greatest song, mind you they wrote it about what seems to be a metaphor related to girls and fast-food (i don't know if I like being compared to fast-food take out lol), but its quite catchy....
Anyways, lately I've clearly been all about flannel/plaid lately, as I have chosen to purchase more of them for my 'casual wear' collection lol...I must admit, this trend took awhile to have its effect on me, but it's finally gotten me..Frankly, I've always associated flannel with lumberjacks and outdoorsy wear, and while I have nothing against both, I've always had a more crisp, solid clean-cut look to me, and I just saw this giving the appearance of a somewhat dishevelled person...I decided to try it anyways!
I've looked around quite abit before settling on where to buy my plaid shirt. I went everywhere from Aritzia (which seems to have picked flannel/plaid made out of gold for the price they're shelling it out for!) to Sirens and even Guess...All the stores dished out their own take on the trend, all with drawstrings, roll-up with the button and even rouching!? Ever so creative as they were, it still lacked the cool, casual style I longed for...Afterall, I was trying to look effortlessly casual and comfy, and embelishments screamed the opposite!
I've looked around quite abit before settling on where to buy my plaid shirt. I went everywhere from Aritzia (which seems to have picked flannel/plaid made out of gold for the price they're shelling it out for!) to Sirens and even Guess...All the stores dished out their own take on the trend, all with drawstrings, roll-up with the button and even rouching!? Ever so creative as they were, it still lacked the cool, casual style I longed for...Afterall, I was trying to look effortlessly casual and comfy, and embelishments screamed the opposite!

I finally found my shirt, somewhere between abercrombie OC cool and the crisp colour combinations =)
Thank you bluenotes, for helping with my search for the perfect plaid shirt for spring!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
fashion and me 101~*
beats:: tie me down - new boyz ft. ray j
outfit of the day:: fair isle cardigan, grey leggings and over the knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: new coach (outlet lol) bag.
you can outfit change, or change an outfit, or both. - Kenneth Cole
Wise man, Kenneth Cole...a philosopher and a fashion icon's body.
I guess you can say I'm a life-long devoted fan of fashion and style, the pursuit of looking good on the outside because I feel good on the inside...and vice versa.
I LOVE fashion, style and all things beautiful, shiny and luxurious....
I also love to shop (whether i'm out for a bargain or just window shopping) and check out what's out there in stores and even on the streets. I'm inspired by what I see around me, much like photographers capturing a moment in a photograph. Fashion, like art for others, inspires me.
It reinforces confidence in me.
When I look good, I feel's that simple.
I believe that fashion is not only about reading from magazines and watching celebrities, but a series of trials and errors into what works for us and what doesn't. I've had alot of fashion faux-pas...It's the errors that lead me to what works for me and makes me feel good. It helps me to form my own identity.
One thing that i would like for anyone reading this to take out of my blog (if anything at all than for pure reading pleasure! lol) is to make others feel more confident in their fashion choices. Instill confidence that individuality can be beautiful and that sometimes in order to find yourself, you have to search your own inner truth and beauty uninfluenced and tainted by the media and commerciality of phsyical beauty...
If not, then I hope you at least enjoy reading my blog!
If you don't agree with my opinions or thoughts, that is ok by me, but please respect my right to be able to voice them out....Feel free to leave at anytime if anything i say might be disagreable! We are all entitled to our own thoughts, afterall!
Have yourself a fashionable day!~*
outfit of the day:: fair isle cardigan, grey leggings and over the knee boots
fave fashion accessory of the day/moment:: new coach (outlet lol) bag.
you can outfit change, or change an outfit, or both. - Kenneth Cole
Wise man, Kenneth Cole...a philosopher and a fashion icon's body.
I guess you can say I'm a life-long devoted fan of fashion and style, the pursuit of looking good on the outside because I feel good on the inside...and vice versa.
I LOVE fashion, style and all things beautiful, shiny and luxurious....
I also love to shop (whether i'm out for a bargain or just window shopping) and check out what's out there in stores and even on the streets. I'm inspired by what I see around me, much like photographers capturing a moment in a photograph. Fashion, like art for others, inspires me.
It reinforces confidence in me.
When I look good, I feel's that simple.
I believe that fashion is not only about reading from magazines and watching celebrities, but a series of trials and errors into what works for us and what doesn't. I've had alot of fashion faux-pas...It's the errors that lead me to what works for me and makes me feel good. It helps me to form my own identity.
One thing that i would like for anyone reading this to take out of my blog (if anything at all than for pure reading pleasure! lol) is to make others feel more confident in their fashion choices. Instill confidence that individuality can be beautiful and that sometimes in order to find yourself, you have to search your own inner truth and beauty uninfluenced and tainted by the media and commerciality of phsyical beauty...
If not, then I hope you at least enjoy reading my blog!
If you don't agree with my opinions or thoughts, that is ok by me, but please respect my right to be able to voice them out....Feel free to leave at anytime if anything i say might be disagreable! We are all entitled to our own thoughts, afterall!
Have yourself a fashionable day!~*
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