Thursday, December 2, 2010

Spin Pin...Yay or Nay?

Have you see ever seen the commercial for this?

I have been seeing the commercials for this new 'invention' from Goody that apparently takes the place of at least several pins into one!  I was intrigued by this as I had just picked up a set of 20 black pins to do an up'do--maybe a side chignon or just the normal bun in the back.  To do this, I would need countless number of pins just to hold the bun in place.  This brings me back to a childhood nightmare of having a helmet-head full of hairspray and countless number of pins for a school concert.  This is the reason that I barely fixed my hair up into any type of hairstyle other than just letting it flow.

As I got older I started to get more adventurous and try new hairstyles once again.

So here I am, trying new tools to help with my quest for the perfect hairstyle for the Christmas party!  This seemed fullproof from the commercials so I thought, what could it hurt.  It certainly was not cheap!  Depending on where you buy it, it could range from $5-$7 for two pins.  I saw this at London Drugs for $6.99 but I ended up buying mine from Save-on foods which sells it for a special price of $5.99 and $1.00 off! I would say, shop around as this would be available in most places that sell Goody hair products.

It basically looks like this:
 Two thin metal rods twisted in a coil to form one pin.

What you do is basically just still the two ends into your bun, and start twisting in the direction going in.  It's like twisting the cap to tighten--same idea.  I used two on a simple bun and it seemed to hold fairly well, even with my slippery hair.  Mind you, even with it replacing several pins, you would still need to use more than two for a firm hold.

I'm pretty happy with my purchase, and I hope that it works out for the hairstyle I do!

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